Fond Meaning in Urdu

Fond meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Meaning: مہربان، شفیق، بہت پسند کرنے والا
Roman: Mehrban, shafeeq, bohat pasand kerna
Talafuz: Fon'd

Explanation of the Word

The word fond is used as an adjective, when somebody likes a thing or person very much then this word is used. Any person who loves somebody more than required to the extent of spoiling him then we can use this word, read the sentences below and you will get the meaning of the word. If someone hope or dream foolishly of some miracle etc. this word can be used.

Fond ka matlab hai kisi cheez ya shakhs ko bohat zyada pasand kerna, jub koi cheez ya kaam kisi ko bohat pasand ho to ye word use hota hai. Iske ilawa agar koi (khas ker ke koi bazurg ya waledain kisi bache ko hud se zyada ya bila-zaroorat pyar krein to is lafz ko istemal ker sakte hein. Agar koi khiali pulao pakata hai or be-tuki khawaish rakhta hai to bi is word ko use ker sakte hein.

Usage & Sentences of Word Fond

  • 1. I am very FOND of kulfa falooda.
  • 2. He is very FOND of spending time with his friends.
  • 3. Tabish was spoiled because of his FOND grandfather.
  • 4. Fond hopes of becoming millionaire overnight…

  • Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko word fond ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Fond Meaning in Urdu

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