Controversial Meaning in Urdu

Controversial meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Meaning: اختلافی، متنازعہ، تکراری
Roman: Ikhtilafi, mutnaza, takrari
Talafuz: kon'tro'ver'shul

Usage & Sentences of Word Controversial

  • 1. Don't make yourself CONTROVERSIAL by meeting her often.
  • 2. Always avoid CONTROVERSIAL talks if you want to live peacefully.
  • 3. There are lot of CONTROVERSIAL issue that I have to settle.

  • Explanation of the Word

    The word controversial is used as an adjective , when some view points are different or two people do not agree on something due to different version of thoughts or any differences then this word is used. It can be about politics, religion, family matters or any difference in point of views.

    Controversial ka matlab hota hai koi ikhtilafi baat, kisi baat ke mutaliq mukhtalif nazriya hona, chaye wo siasat ho, mazhab ho ya koi khandani muamalat, agar kisi ke khialat ya baat mein ikhtilaf ho to ye lafz istemal kia jata hai.

    Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko word controversial ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Controversial Meaning in Urdu

    On this page you will find Controversial Meaning in Urdu and English, definition, explanation and pronunciation of the word. In addition to the meaning of controversial in urdu we have also added some additional related words and synonyms for your information and knowledge. To get a better grip over the word, try to make some sentences of your own so that the Urdu meaning of controversial is clear to you. Learn Eng to Urdu Meaning and increase your conversational vocabulary at dictionary.