Sedate Meaning in Urdu

Sedate meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Meaning: سنجیدہ مزاج، حلیم الطبع
Roman: Sunjeeda mizaj, Haleem al-tabah
Talafuz: si'deyt

Explanation of the Word

The word sedate is used as an adjective and verb both, if a person remains serious and act with soberness and dignity then this word can be used for him.

Sedate ka matlab hai sanjeeda mizaj, jub koi shakhs sanjeedgi akhtiar ker le or bila wajha hansi mizaq se door rahe to wo moaziz sa lagta hai. Is samjeedgi ki wajha se log us se darna or fazool batein kerna chor dete hein, aise aadmi ke liye ye word use hota hai.

Usage & Sentences of Word Sedate

  • 1. Be very careful in front of him as he is a very SEDATE person.
  • 2. Our teacher has a very SEDATE personality , that is why he is respected by everybody.
  • 3. Mostly people get SEDATE when they cross 50 years of age.

  • Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko word sedate ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Sedate Meaning in Urdu

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