Stable Meaning in Urdu

Stable meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Meaning: مستحکم، پائیدار، ثابت قدم، اصطبل
Roman: Mustehkum, piydar, astabal
Talafuz: Stey-bul

Explanation of the Word

The word stable is used as an adjective and noun, when any condition of anything, may it be economy, patient or relationship is getting better and getting strength then this word is used. In addition to this using it as a noun it is used as a place where horses are kept and fed.

Stable ka matlab hai mustehkum, piydaar, jub bhi koi position , halat behtar ho, chaye wo kisi mareez ki halat ho, maeeshat ki halat ho, agar wo behtar ho rai ho, mustehkum ho rai ho to ye word istemal kia jata hai, is ke ilawa ghoron ke rehne ki jaga yani ke astabal ke liye bi ye lafz istemal hota hai.

Usage & Sentences of Word Stable

  • 1. The patient got STABLE after 12 hours of medication and look after.
  • 2. The condition of the country's economy got STABLE after receiving foreign loan.
  • 3. You should stop doubting each other and make your relationship STABLE now.
  • 4. The horses are looked after well in the STABLE on the farm.

  • Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko word stable ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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