Witness Meaning in Urdu

Witness meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Word: Witness
Matlab: گواہ، شہادت، تصدیق کنندہ
Roman: Gawah, shahdat, tasdeeq kuninda
Talafuz: pleyn-tif
Grammar: Noun, Verb
Meaning: Someone who sees an event and reports what happened.

Usage & Sentences of Word Witness

  • 1. The WITNESS was threatened by the defendant of the case.
  • 2. The lawyer questioned the authenticity of the WITNESS as he was not present at the site.
  • 3. The judge ordered all the WITNESSES to be present in the court on next hearing.
  • Explanation of the Word

    The word witness is used for the person who gives testimony of any happening, incident that happened in front of him or he has true information about that. A person who can confirm the authenticity of the incident or happening is known as witness.

    Witness ka matlab hai kisi waqae ya juram ka gawah, agar koi juram kisi shakhs ke samne sarzad hua ho to wo shakhs us waqae ka gawah tasleem kia jae ga. Is ke ilawa kisi baat ki gawahi ke liye bi ye lafz istemal ho sakta hai. Is ka aik matlab tadeeq kuninda bi hai, jo kisi document per signature se kisi baat ki ya kisi doosre ke signature ki tadeeq kre wo be attestant kehlata hai jo ke witness ki hi aik qisam hoti hai.

    Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information, jumlon or video se aap ko lafz witness ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Witness Meaning in Urdu

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