Synonym Meaning in Urdu

Synonym meaning in Urdu is given below for your knowledge.

Meaning: ہم معنی، مترادف لفظ
Roman: Hum mahni, mutradif lafz
Talafuz: Si-nu-nim

Explanation of the Word

The word synonym is a noun, there are several words with same meanings and they can be used in place of each other, for such words with similar meaning this word is used.

Synonym ka matlab hai hum mani ya mutradif lafz, her lafz ke bohat se mutradif hote hein, yani ke jin ka matlab aik hi hota hai lekin lafz mukhtalif hote hein, aise alfaz ke liye ye word istemal kia jata hai.

Usage & Sentences of Word Synonym

  • 1. Search and learn 3 SYNONYMS of the word awesome.
  • 2. Using SYNONYMS in your conversation will make it impressive indeed.
  • 3. There are number of SYNONYMS of every word and they can be used instead of that word..

  • Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko word synonym ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Synonym Meaning in Urdu

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