M Adjectives to Describe a Person

M Adjectives to Describe a Person

List of adjectives that start with M to describe a person for students and teachers for use in class work or home work.

Machiavellian, mad, magisterial, manipulative, maroon, martial, materialistic, maternal, mature, mauve, maverick, Magnificent, many, marvelous, marvelous, masculine, mazed, Magyar, Malawian, Malay, Malayan, Maltese, Manchurian, mandaean, mandean, manx, maroc

Mean, measured, meddlesome, meddling, melancholy, mercurial, merry, mesmerized, messy, metagrabolised, methodical, meticulous, Mediocre, melted, Megalithic, Melanesian, Mesoamerican, Mexican

Miffed, mingy, mirthful, misanthropic, misanthropical, mischievous, miserable, miserly, mistrustful

Modest, moody, moral, moronic, morose, mortified, mortifying, motivated, mourning, moved, moving, Modern, motionless, Moldovan, mongol, Mongolian, Moravian, Moroccan, Mozambican

Musical, mussy, mucilaginous, muddy, muscular

Mysterious, mystified, mystifying

These were some of the M adjectives used to describe a person.

List of Adjectives That Start With M

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